Untitled (Das Wort), 2017, oil and acrylic on canvas, H 20 x W 85 cm
Untitled (Mount Agung Eruption), 2009, acrylic on canvas, H 60,5 x W 41 cm (without frame)
Unos a Otros – Portrait (red spot), 2009, Collage, digital print, paint on paper, H 119 x W 86 cm (paper size), framed
Alphabet (J), 2017, Perspex, stainless steel, neon, cable, transformers, H 142 x W 137 x D 52 cm
Pathless land #2, 2015, single channel video HD with sound, 4 min 29 sec, Edition of 3 plus A. E.
Pathless land #2, 2015, single channel video HD with sound, 4 min 29 sec, Edition of 3 plus A. E.
Pathless land #2, 2015, single channel video HD with sound, 4 min 29 sec, Edition of 3 plus A. E.